Meet Aušra
Jewellery designer and bench jeweller.
For me, jewellery is quality and a connection with special moments or places. I don’t want jewellery to be another one, I wish it to be the one with positive vibes and memories!
Without Quote "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't—you're right" - today I wouldn't be the person I am now. Believe me, everything is possible! :)

Today I do what I like and love to do - create things that give people happiness and self-trust. After school, I have finished Management administration at Vilnius University in Lithuania. Yet, for the whole life, I was feeling the need for self-expression through arts or handcrafts. To find me in jewellery designing and making was a real life-changing moment.
I have started making jewellery in 2009. But true devotion happened only in 2018 when my youngest girl started full-time children's garden and I had more time to work, look for inspiration and express myself through jewellery.
In Amijewel every single piece of jewellery is different, made with care and creativity. Some of them impulsive, some of them required much time of thinking and drawing. Custom orders are taking cared with the full attention to clients' needs. Amijewel jewellery is of good quality and meets all general requirements.
I hope your journey through my shop will be inspiring and easy.
If you want to know even more about Aušra - write a letter, call or make an appointment.
Aušra loves to meet with new people! 🤍